Unpacking Your Creative Life Series

I’m so excited that my month long series on creativity has begun on The Gift of Writing! It’s called, Unpacking Your Creative Life, and part 1 is all about reconnecting to your love of writing and starting again after a long (or short!) hiatus.

When Claire asked me to write a series, I was flattered, grateful, and nervous. I’ve written guest posts before, but never anything that had to sustain interest over a period of time. But what I discovered is that creating a series is similar to writing a story. There’s an introduction, an arc, a climax, and a conclusion. Once I chose a theme, one I’m quite familiar with, I’ve had a lot of fun working on it.

I was inspired by my own writing hiatus (ahem, new motherhood) and some of my favorite craft books, including Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Still Writing by Dani Shapiro.

My goal is that this four-part series will offer help and solace to writers who feel stuck or frozen, as I did after the birth of my first child, though new motherhood is just one of many reasons why writers stray from the page.

I remember questioning my life-long dream of being a writer. I seriously considered giving up. This crisis shook my core, and it took a lot of soul searching, some sessions with a wonderfully intuitive life coach, and of course writing, to find my way back.

I’d love to hear what you think, so if the topic interests you, pop over to Claire’s site and leave me a comment.

In the meantime, I’ll be a little quieter over here while I dig into the revision process of my novel. Spending two magical days at Highlights helped me finish my draft, but that was only the first step.

My goal is to complete this first content heavy revision by summer’s end. A lofty goal, perhaps, but I did some math (I know, crazy) and if I can edit about 45 pages a week, I’ll make it happen.

My daughter is helping me keep track with revisions. Who needs an app when you have an artist?

My daughter is helping me track my revisions. Who needs an app when you have an artist?

Then comes round 2 and 3, but each one brings me closer to the moment when I can pass this albatross, I mean novel, over to my beta readers.

Being a writer means never giving up, even when you’re at your lowest point, but I honestly couldn’t do that without your help. Readers of this blog and all the wonderful friends and fellow writers I’ve met along the way. Thank you for keeping me company on this journey! I’m rooting for you, too, because we’re in this together.

Enjoy your summer!

summer kids

20 thoughts on “Unpacking Your Creative Life Series

  1. I am so GRATEFUL that we met at Highlights. These words spoke to me! All of them, but especially these, “Being a writer means never giving up, even when you’re at your lowest point…” YES! Happy revising, Dana! I’m so glad you are one of my writer friends!!!!


    • Michelle, I feel so incredibly fortunate to have found you at Highlights, and look forward to getting to know you and your writing more in the future! Thank you so much for reading my article and for your comments 🙂


  2. I’m not a mother yet, but I plan on becoming one someday. I think you can help your full-time busy readers–whether they work, take care of kids, or whatever. Everyone knows they should write often, but it’s great to get insight on how to “do it all” and be proud of the success that comes from it. Can’t wait to read the series!


    • Thank you Whitney, this is a great point! It’s not just motherhood that eats into creative time, but LIFE, in whatever combination – work, family, partners, etc. Making time to write in the midst of whatever distraction is at hand is key.


      • No doubt. I’ve noticed that I’ve had to stop comparing my progress with others–just because I can’t write as often or as much as my peers doesn’t lessen the quality of what I’m actually writing.


  3. Dana good luck with everything. I have not had time to write lately either, sketching has taken over for now. Hope to get back into my editing soon. Look forward to reading along and being inspired by you. PS that photos of your children is delightful.


    • Thanks Kath, I can imagine it’s tough juggling sketching and writing. Both are such fulfilling creative outlets for you, and in a way, I imagine there is no “wrong” answer. When the time is right for writing again, you will get back to it. Until then, enjoy where you are with your beautiful art. Thank you as always for checking in here 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like it’s going to be a great series – I’ll pop over for a look! Good luck with your editing and you’re right – we’re all in this together. I’m editing hard at the mo! xx


  5. I’m a little late to this post, Dana, but I had to comment because we were really on the same wavelength this week. I just wrote a post about scrapping my novel and starting again. I’m looking forward to reading your new series. Good luck with your edits! I know you’ll do a great job.


  6. Pingback: Bittersweet | writing at the table

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